Consultant Workshop One: Problem Breakdown

Our consultants gathered on Thursday 18th of August to participate in their first workshop of semester two! The program kick-started with a welcome from our Engagement Manager Diya, who introduced the topic ‘The Problem Breakdown’ by highlighting the consulting process. 

The consultants dove straight into the content by learning what a typical presentation format looks like and how to form a structured deck in preparation for the consulting cup. Following this, Diya provided a breakdown on how to identify the client, how to form a structured and detailed situation analysis and slide design. Consultants were also provided with tips on how to identify the problem their clients face. 

The event was joined by special guests Anthony, Michelle, Joyce, Hayes, Jye and Daniel from Strategy&. They were kind enough to share their experiences of a career in consulting. Their insight was deeply valuable, sharing their own tips and tricks on how to nail a situation analysis. They also led the topics surrounding problem identification, using their past experiences as examples to drive the importance of a concise and structured problem to identify. 

Guided by our special guests, our consultants subsequently applied this knowledge to form a situation analysis on their clients.


Introduction to Consulting


Alumni Drinks, with WIB and BFS