UTSCC Mini Case Series


The Mini Case Series is a 5 episode crash-course to equip case competition newbies with the fundamental knowledge, skills and tools to compete in case competitions.

Episode 1: Understanding the Case

Doing your first case comp can be overwhelming, so Episode 1: Understanding the Case provides you the key first steps in approaching a case and understanding the case deliverable & context.


Episode 2: Defining the Problem

Now that we have understood the case, it is important that you define the problem to understand what your solution is trying to solve. Episode 2: Defining the Problem guides you through creating a problem statement relevant to the case and teaches you how to break down the problem using an issue.


Episode 3: Creating your Solution

Now we have defined the problem, let's start working on solutions to address the issue. Episode 3: Creating your Solution teaches you how to create a criteria of success, the process of generating strategies and provides insight into the criteria that judges use to mark your solutions.


Episode 4: Implementing your Solution

The implementation of your solution is just as important as the solution itself! No matter how good your solution idea is, the next question on the judge's mind is its feasibility. Episode 4: Implementing your Solution explores the key ways of demonstrating feasibility, specifically through financial analysis, implementation timelines and risk and mitigation.


Episode 5: Presenting your Solution

Presenting the last episode of UTS Consulting Club's Mini Case Series! Now your team has settled on an solution, it is now time to present it! Episode 5: Presenting your solution will walk you through the story-boarding, slide design and pitching skills required in a strong presentation.